[Update 1/2/23: really, I was about to do a review for one of these.]
Below is a catalog of those reviews and an Amazon link to the book. The text link above the Amazon link is a link to the review video flip through. I may try to integrate text book reiviews later.
I have categorized these into non-exculsive sets of either (1) Topics and (2) Book Series. All books in the second set appear in at least one topic, and some books appear in multiple topics. At some point I'll probably say why I included these particular series (that is, why I like them).
The Frontiers Collection
Schlosshauer, Maximillian, Dechoherence and the Quantum to Classical Transition |
Petkov, V Relativity and The Nature of Spacetime |
Zeh, H.D. The Physical Basis of the Direction of Time |
General Physics/Physics Surveys
Leonhardt and Philbin Geometry and Light |
Moore, Thomas Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit C: Conservation Laws |
Moore, Thomas Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit N: Lawas of Physics are Universal |
Zeh, H.D. The Physical Basis of the Direction of Time |
Padmanabhan Sleeping Beauties in Theoretical Physics |
Schwartz, M. Principles of Electrodynamics |
Lemons, Don Perfect Form |
Lawden, D.F. Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology |
Petkov, V Relativity and The Nature of Spacetime |
Will, Clifford Theory and Experiment in Graviational Physics |
Quantum Mechanics
Ahronov and Rohrlick, Qunatum Paradoxes |
Basdevant and Dalibard, The Quantum Mechanics Solver |
Schlosshauer, Maximillian, Dechoherence and the Quantum to Classical Transition |
Cohen, David W., An Introduction to Hilbert Space and Quantum Logic |
Norsen, Travis Quantum Mechanics |
Sakurai, J.J. Quantum Mechanics |
Sudbery, A. and the Particles of Nature |
Tomonaga, S.-I. Spin |
Statistical Physics
Ben-Naim, Arieh Entropy and the Second Law |
Ben Naim, Arieh Entropy Demystified |
Krauth, W. Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computation |
Applied Phyiscs and Engineering
Feynman, Richard The Feynman Lectures on Compuation |
Hubert and Schaefer, Magnetic Domains |
Coleman, Charles Modern Physics for Semiconductor Science |
Szirtes, Thomas, Applied Dimensional Analysis and Modeling |
Farlow, Stanley Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers |
Gardiner, Anthony Understanding Infinity |
Cohen, David W. An Introduction to Hilbert Space and Quantum Logic |
Tapp, K Matrix Groups for Undergraduates |
Dover Books
Farlow, Stanley Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers |
Gardiner, Anthony Understanding Infinity |
Leonhardt and Philbin Geometry and Light |
Lawden, D.F. Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology |
Schwartz, M. Principles of Electrodynamics |
Lecture Notes in Physics
Padmanabhan Sleeping Beauties in Theoretical Physics |
Norsen, Travis Foundations of Quantum Mechanics |
Multiversal Journeys
Student Mathematical Library
Oxford Master Series
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